Team Series signups are now live! This season’s formats are Pioneer, Modern, and Legacy. If you’re new to UOL, check out our Get Started with UOL page or join the UOL Discord.
Our Team Series is run by Arsteel#2559, who you can contact via Discord with any questions. You can also check out our Team Series page for the signups form. If you do not have a team, let Arsteel know! He’ll try his best to find you a team.
Unlike the past Team Invitational, or the recent King of the Hill event, this going to be a normal Swiss event with a cut to top 4.
If you want information on any of our leagues or need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to an Admin or Moderator on the Discord!
The Untap Open League takes place on a website called Untap is a browser-based tabletop emulator with no built-in rules enforcement.
UOL Leagues are an open deck list, Swiss-style tournament with a cut to Top 4/8 and the typical match point scoring policies of official Swiss tourneys.
Each round is one week long (one match per week). Players schedule their matches with their opponent via Discord, and there is no game clock. A typical league lasts two months or so.
Entry is free, and the top prize includes a fancy role on the Discord, bragging rights, and at least a few hours of high self-esteem.
Judges are available 24/7 in #judge-calls on the Discord.
Players can drop from the league at any time.
If you’re new to the website, feel free to ask any admin or moderator on the UOL Discord for guidance. We’d be happy to help.