Does Pioneer have an aggro problem? Absolutely, but it’s less the cause of the problem and more the result of everything else. Recently The First Pioneers discussed how Combo decks in the format had taken advantage of Pioneer, and while midrange and control decks have been able to keep combo in check somewhat, the rise of these archetypes has totally pushed aggro out. But you might be saying “what about mono white humans?” Well, can you honestly name any other recent aggro decks in Pioneer that have done well consistently in the format? Sure we have the occasional “flash in the pan” deck that can spike tournaments, but it seems like whenever somebody sleeves up mono red aggro or Atarka red, it’s just one unlucky result after the other.
So how do we fix this aggro problem and what caused it? In this week’s episode, we go into depth about the current state of aggro and offer some solutions on how to fix it. After listening, if you have some thoughts of your own on what to do about the current state of Pioneer, be sure to reach out to us on Twitter or on Discord!
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does magic actually need aggro decks though? You get more of your moneys worth by playing midrange and control because you get to play longer games of magic and get to play out more of the cards you paid for