Step 1: Join Our Discord
If you’re new to Untap Open League, join our Discord. All of our tournaments are run through our Discord, and you will receive updates and find your opponents on there. Our tournaments are completely free, and consist of a swiss portion and a cut to elimination.
Step 2: Get Familiar with
Untap Open League plays our games on, a free, no download tabletop card game simulator. Go onto the website and create an account. Add your deck and create a solo game to get some experience with the interface. Hint: there’s a Hotkeys button on the bottom of the left sidebar in game to show you most of the hotkeys. The top button on that sidebar also lets you go to the next game or leave the match.
Once you’re a bit familiar with the interface, feel free to create a new game called “New to Untap” with the format name you want to play. Hopefully someone helpful will come along and be help you learn the ropes, or you can ask for someone to play against on Discord.
Step 3: Join a Tournament
If you’re interested in our various leagues and tournaments, check out the respective pages for them under Leagues and Casual Leagues in the menu bar above. Information will also be posted in the appropriate Discord channels. You can contact the Tournament Organizer or any Admin on Discord to see when the next league will be starting. Generally, they start about every three months for each format, or once per set release.
When League signups go live, there will be an announcement post made, and signups will go up on the appropriate format page under the League menus.
When signups go live, fill out the form given. It will ask for your Discord username, your Untap username, your decklist in a text format, a link to your decklist on Moxfield, and your deck hash. Your deck hash is found under the three bars option button on Untap in your decklist (top right), then under Deck Options. It’ll appear within the brackets in the top right.