Vintage is the original Magic format (well, after 40-card freeform). Widely known by its original title of 'Type 1' The format's legality includes all black-bordered tournament legal cards except for a few problematic cards (e.g. Shahrazad). Instead of banning the most powerful cards printed in Magic's history, Vintage restricts cards such as the Power 9 to one copy per deck. The format has many powerful decks that use the strongest cards ever printed, leading to a uniquely high-powered Magic experience that is offered in no other format.
Vintage doesn't see the most play due to its paper cost being in the tens of thousands per deck, but it can be played for free in our league and on If you want to play Black Lotus without selling your home, this is your chance.
The Banned and Restricted list can be found here and sample decklists are available here.
League Decklists: