Team Unified Random Vintage Brewoff Signups Close Wednesday

Brewoff signups closes Wednesday, September 15th. Sign up before then to save your spot!

This season’s brewoff is Team Unified Random Vintage. Players will be put into groups of three, and you can sign up as pairs, solo, or a team of three. Solo players and pairs of two will be put together to create teams for those who do not have a full team.

Each team receives a list of 10 sets from Alpha to 10th Edition. Two sets will be core sets, the rest will be regular expansions. The Banned List is the same as it currently is for Legacy. Each team will also receive a random list of 15 of those Legacy banned cards that can be used in deckbuilding, but no more than one copy of each card.

Team Unified means that each player must have a completely unique deck of cards compared to their teammates. No two decks on a team can have the same card listed in any quantity, except for basic lands.

After signups conclude, your team will be given their list of sets. The first week after signups is used to build and submit your decklists. Each round starts as normal after that.

You can read the official rules doc here. If you’re looking to sign up, check out our Brewoff page.

The Untap Open League takes place on a website called Untap is a browser-based tabletop emulator with no built-in rules enforcement.

UOL is an open decklist, Swiss-style tournament with a cut to top 4 for team events, and the typical match point scoring policies of official Swiss tourneys.

Each round is one week long (one match per week). Players schedule their matches with their opponent via Discord, and there is no game clock. A typical league lasts two months or so.

Entry is free, and the top prize includes a fancy role on the Discord, bragging rights and at least a few hours of high self-esteem.

Judges are available 24/7 in #judge-calls on the Discord.

Players can drop from the league at any time.

If you’re new to the website, feel free to ask any admin or moderator on the UOL Discord for guidance. We’d be happy to help.

Author: UntapOpenLeague

Untap Open League is a group run over Discord that runs tournaments for various formats over the website

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