The Midnight Hunt spoiler season has been teased but with only a few more weeks to go until it is released, we couldn’t wait to talk about it any longer. While it’s unfortunate there hasn’t been any new cards added to the spoiler in more than a week, what we DO know about the set so far has our imaginations working in over drive. In today’s episode The First Pioneers and guest host EkerossMTG talk about what’s shown up so far from Midnight Hunt and how it could fit into Pioneer, what past plane of Innistrad cards we’d love to see reprinted for the format, and also how Flashback will impact it. We’re hoping that Wizards will start to shake the format up with even more past mechanics like Flashback in the future and even talk about which ones we’d like to see in Pioneer the most!
If you want to share your list of mechanics you’d like to see show up in or just want to join in the conversation, come say hello on Twitter or in our Discord!
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