The First Pioneers aren’t some group of jive turkeys. We’re cooler than cool, hipper than hip, and if you want to play a card nobody else plays in Pioneer, we can dig it. In fact, we love to dig up new things to do in the format. After our last show’s topic on Boros Convoke, we wanted to expand on Knight Errant of Eos’ ability to “dig” for cards. Were there any other cards that could do the same type of thing in Pioneer? What kind of ways can you “dig” through your deck?
After discussing the idea with my co-hosts we decided that any ability that lets you look at 4 or more cards at a time would be included, and with that in mind we went through the entire pool of Pioneer. We started with the most played cards that can “dig” and finished with cards that also dug into decks, but weren’t seeing much or any play. We hoped that somebody else would hear about these cards and further help expand the format. You’d be surprised by how many dig cards there are that people currently aren’t using. We hope that after listening to this week’s show though, that you too, can “dig” it.
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