The Boros Convoke deck has made big waves in Pioneer over the last few weeks but not everybody has been able to wrap their heads around it. As with every other new deck that breaks onto the scene, at first it seems broken and unstoppable. But is it? Does it have any bad match ups? And what about its good ones? What are the main cards of the deck and what is the best deck list?
This week, The First Pioneers give you the total run down on this new strategy and talk about its place in the new Pioneer metagame. We go over the last few weeks of Pioneer tournament results, including the Grand Open Qualifier at Valencia, and discuss what Pioneer will look like going forward with this new deck.
If you’re looking to learn to play or play against Boros Convoke, definitely give this week’s show a listen!
Check out The First Pioneers on other platforms!
Pioneer Challenge 2023-05-14
Pioneer Challenge 2023-05-20
Pioneer Challenge 2023-05-21
Pioneer Challenge 2023-05-27
Pioneer Challenge 2023-05-28
Grand Open Qualifier Valencia