Outlaws of Thunder Junction Pioneer Set Review – The First Pioneers #193

Howdy Partners! This week the First Pioneers put on our cowboy boots, holster our six-shooters, and straighten the brim of our Stetson hats to bring you the Pioneer set review for Outlaws of Thunder Junction! We go over what cards are going to make a splash in the format, which ones will be fun to brew with, and which will ones could end up being role players. After listening be sure to stop by our Discord or Twitter to share your top 5 or to talk about what cards you’re most excited to play with from the new set!

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Honorable MentionsCollector's CageMagda, the HoardmasterRakdos Joins Up
5Lotus RingTorpor OrbHarvester of Misery
4Shoot the SheriffAven InterrupterSimulacrum Synthesizer
3Insatiable AvaricePest ControlLegion Extruder
2Legion ExtruderScorching ShotGisa, the Hellraiser
1Tinybones, the PickpocketGrand AbolisherGrand Abolisher

Author: The First Pioneers

We are long time Pioneer players who love the format and try to bring everything that's new and interesting to Magic players all around the wold! Find us on Twitter and Discord! Our Discord: https://discord.gg/SBRF8DH Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtgPioneer