The Less Things Change, The More They Are The Same – The First Pioneers #176

Pioneer players were met with the news that there would be NO cards banned or restricted in Wizards of the Coast’s annual ban announcement this week, deflating a lot of people’s hope that the format would have some new life breathed into it after a draining season of qualifiers against Mono Green devotion, Rakdos, and various combo and control decks.

We at The First Pioneers had been taking it easy this summer making content so we could focus on self care and enjoying a slower pace of life for once, but after this announcement we could stay quiet no longer. There is a lot we want to say about the silence and deaf ear being turned to competitive formats in Magic the Gathering, and we’re sure many of our followers would like to hear their concerns voiced as well.

We also go over some of the early spoilers from Wilds of Eldraine and talk about what kind of cards we’d like to see printed (or reprinted!) in the set. After listening to this week’s episode, if you would like to add to the discussion you can do so on our Discord or you can give us a follow on Twitter.

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Author: The First Pioneers

We are long time Pioneer players who love the format and try to bring everything that's new and interesting to Magic players all around the wold! Find us on Twitter and Discord! Our Discord: Our Twitter: